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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Thank You God

Tomorrow I'm baptizing Josiah. He finally was born on October 15th (10 days late), and we've been pretty busy with getting ready for that. God willing, tomorrow we'll welcome him into God's family and into First Lutheran Church!

It's been great to have our friends from Corvallis here, and one of the highlights of my day was seeing how much my friend's kids love him and missed him. After being away for almost a week, they both latched on to him with hugs and he carried them around for a good several minutes. It's good to see a dad like that.

It's hard to find good dad role models. Television is notably devoid of good dads that stand by their sons. I really liked Jonathan Kent of Smallville, but he got killed off as one of the required steps for "the hero's journey" is that the father figure must go at some point, usually at a time that seems a little too early. So, therefore, not much time to be a role model.

Another thing came out of the last few weeks. I come from a family of origin where cleanliness is next to godliness. And if you know me (especially if you were one of my roommates in college) you know I am not a person who needs to keep a spotless abode. I have finally come to peace with the fact that the Bible tells me that as a pastor I need to be hospitable, and not necessarily that I need to have the home spotless before I can invite people over. I really did struggle with that the whole time we lived in Orange County, and perhaps even sinned by not opening my home as I should have. Anyway, we're having a good chunk of the congregation over tomorrow after Sy's baptism, so they'll all see our nowhere near perfect or even finished home. And I'm actually relatively peaceful regarding the whole affair. Thank you, God.


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