.::the next generation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod::.
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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Holy Cross

By now, I know that some of the people from Holy Cross have found my blog, so, um, Hi! For those of you who don't know, I am serving as vacancy pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church of Los Alamitos, which is actually in Cypress, California. It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks so far, getting into meeting tons of people (sorry if I don't know your name yet!)

I must admit, though, that it is awesome to be with people of God who are starting to believe that they can turn around the big ship of this church body so that it can again be made a force in the community to share Christ's love. It's been great to see people in the congregation, young and old, who consider Holy Cross to be their church and who want to fight for this church, for its existence, for its integrity, for its tradition, but also for it to become a great church.

It's a hard thing to step into a church where there has been constant decline in worship attenders for the last 30 years, but I think that God's people at Holy Cross are ready for a change...and there is more than enough that needs to be done. One of the first steps, as I mentioned in my sermon today, is to figure out ways we can become more "family-friendly." If you have an idea, please let me know by contacting at church or at the e-mail address printed in the bulletin, or talk to one of our elders.

As usual, I covet your prayers as we work to do Christ's work in our community.

In Christ,
Pastor Maschke


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