The Golden Hangers
I’m not one for lots of shopping, but when I buy clothes I spend a few minutes in the changing room making sure the new thing is the right fit, the right color and style for me. If you're in a cool place you hang it over the door and they get you another size. (Wouldn’t it be boring to stand there and fold clothes and open those doors all day?) I make sure I look good in it. After all, I’m dropping my own money on something and I don’t want to waste it. I want to make sure I’ve got it right. Sometimes if its not right I’ll try a different size or color or whatever until I'm happy with what I’ve got and I’m excited to wear it sometime.
We’ve all done the same thing. It’s a normal part of shopping, no matter if you're a guy or girl. I think adolescence is a lot like trying on clothes. We’re constantly going through new outfits trying to find the one that fits us best. The relationship, the career, the personality, the sense of humor, the friends, even the clothes. Some are too tight, we feel pressured and out of place. Some clothes are too baggy and we feel lost in the space between here and there, an endless gap too large to grow into. and nothing ever seems to fit right.
Goldilocks had it easy. 3 choices. Too hot. Too cold. Just right. Maybe it wasn't just right. Maybe it was somewhere in the middle so she just went with it because it was better than the other 2 lame options.
If only it were that simple. It’d be great if God laid everything out on our bed with golden hangers so we'd know. This shirt is for your job. These jeans are for your spouse. These kicks are your personality. This hat is for your passions. And we'd know right then. We wouldn't have to walk through life searching ourselves. He’d just tell us. And it'd all be a perfect fit, just as he designed and crafted us.
But he doesn't. I guess the moral is that we get to figure it out for ourselves, to choose our path in life. Sure sure. I guess. But sometimes it'd be nice to just know. It’s weird how I used to think in high school that by the time I was out of college I’d be all grown up and have my life all set. Funny how that's not the case.
We’ve all done the same thing. It’s a normal part of shopping, no matter if you're a guy or girl. I think adolescence is a lot like trying on clothes. We’re constantly going through new outfits trying to find the one that fits us best. The relationship, the career, the personality, the sense of humor, the friends, even the clothes. Some are too tight, we feel pressured and out of place. Some clothes are too baggy and we feel lost in the space between here and there, an endless gap too large to grow into. and nothing ever seems to fit right.
Goldilocks had it easy. 3 choices. Too hot. Too cold. Just right. Maybe it wasn't just right. Maybe it was somewhere in the middle so she just went with it because it was better than the other 2 lame options.
If only it were that simple. It’d be great if God laid everything out on our bed with golden hangers so we'd know. This shirt is for your job. These jeans are for your spouse. These kicks are your personality. This hat is for your passions. And we'd know right then. We wouldn't have to walk through life searching ourselves. He’d just tell us. And it'd all be a perfect fit, just as he designed and crafted us.
But he doesn't. I guess the moral is that we get to figure it out for ourselves, to choose our path in life. Sure sure. I guess. But sometimes it'd be nice to just know. It’s weird how I used to think in high school that by the time I was out of college I’d be all grown up and have my life all set. Funny how that's not the case.